Trendy 英文 765360

3 (雙語)霍金警告:600年后地球將變成"火球" 4 "龍"翻譯成"dargon",我們是否翻譯有誤?討趨勢的法語:名tendance;courant他的病有好轉的~sa condition prend bonne tournure/son état de santé s'améliore;Tanzania targets daily COVID19 vaccinations of up to 100,000 people Tanzanian authorities said Saturday that between 80,000 and 100,000 people will be vaccinated against COVID19 daily during the second phase of the inoculation campaign



Trendy 英文

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Coming Up on Wendy Wendy's kicking off the week with the latest Hot Topics Then, don't miss the inside scoop on the hottest headlines from Hollywood with "Entertainment Tonight" host Kevin Frazier Plus, Mercedes Sanchez is here with a new edition of Trendy @ Wendy 近年嶄新的網路用語越來越多,比如這兩年大家最熟悉的WFH(Work From Home),或是穿搭網紅最常使用的OOTD(Outfit Of The Day),年輕人愛用的英文縮寫層出不窮,考倒不少家裡爸媽長輩,女星何如芸近期就深受其擾,表示她近期新學到一個英文縮寫「idk」,讓她聽得霧煞煞笑稱:「所謂的惜字如金Trendy 英文 1992 1Never Change A Winning Team 2Borstal Django 3Everlasting Chewing Gum 4Gips 5Grünes Haar 6Music 7Pretty Vacant 8Rice Again 9Unterwegs Zur Schatzinsel 10Einstiegsdroge Nr 1 11Tubel Trophy 12Trendy 13Still Don't Know 14Pizzaiola

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 Pursuit of 'fursuit' animals as personas in trendy subculture  Lu Feiran Lu Feiran 1626 UTC8, 0 Furry fandom seems to be a growing culture Some adherents even wear animal costumes on the streets When there areCreate an account or log in to Instagram A simple, fun & creative way to capture, edit & share photos, videos & messages with friends & family穿白衣的的英文翻译:white coated,查阅穿白衣的英文 Meanwhile , at a white walled , white floored cafe in a trendy stockholm neighborhood , two dozen white clad swedes started the day with a more 21st century method of banishing the winter

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Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking forTrendy 的中文翻譯 英漢字典 trendy /tr'ɛndi/ 共發現 6 筆關於 trendy 的資料 (解釋內文之英文單字均可再點入查詢) 來源 (1) pydict data pydict trendy ( a )隨潮流的 來源 (2) pydict data pydict trendy 時髦人物 來源 (3) WordNet (r) 30 (06) wn trendy adj 1 in accord with the latest fad25 動感英文 Put into Action 26 流行感 Get Trendy 27 尋找定義 Define It 28 贅字垃圾桶 Eat Your Words 29 下標題 Headlining 30 人格分析 Personality Analysis 31 比較的層次感 Compare It!

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